Holiday nerves

Posted by: chatty lady

Holiday nerves - 11/23/10 07:53 PM

Do you get them? No matter how good a cook I am on the holidays when having a house full of guests I would get nervous, rushing around like a crazy woman, checking this, basting that and stirring something else. Thank the Lord, never had a mishap but even today I find myself nervous before serving nguests for dinner. How do the holidays affect you?
Posted by: Edelweiss2

Re: Holiday nerves - 11/24/10 03:33 AM

For the first time in my married life, I will be the one being cooked for. We will spend Christmas with my oldest son and family.
pefully people will bring food over, so you won't have to do everything, chatty. Your health and good nerves are the biggest Christmas gift you can give yourself.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Holiday nerves - 11/24/10 10:47 AM

I can barely tolerate the thought of Christmas anymore. We had such wonderful, full, happy holidays while growing up and right up until Gary died 3 years ago. We managed to have a good Christmas two years ago with the grandchildren here, but now with my parents and Gary gone, and hubby's DIL not allowing us (or anyone) to visit the children, the house is too empty to feel any sense of celebration anymore. So sad. I know Christmas is what we make it, but we just haven't yet been able to get past the emptiness to see how we can make it something we want to stay home for. I don't know if I'll be well enough for a cruise this year, but we're hoping to at least get to Florida for a few days in the sun.
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: Holiday nerves - 11/24/10 01:46 PM

A few days in the sun sounds like wonderful medicine for you, Eagleheart!

I hope you can make that happen!

I remember a Christmas I had to be alone, and it was tough. So try to find some way to make something special of these upcoming holiday weeks. Create a new tradition for the two of you.
Posted by: orchid

Re: Holiday nerves - 12/05/10 02:53 PM

Chatty, I've never gotten nerves /nervous for Christmas dinners that I/we hosted...

But then coming from a large noisy family it's always noisy, vaguely chaotic. So if something/food dish got wrecked/burnt abit, not everyone would notice nor would they care after trying to eat it. It just gets lost in the hubbub of chatter, noise and screaming (from kids).

Just too many distractions and me running around doing stuff. (Despite having cooked 75% of my food along with potluck buffet laid out from other people bringing food.) You have to realize that each home (1 bedroom) I've lived in, is too small to have 13-15 people sit all down formally at 1 table. Some years 75% of the guest had to sit on the carpeted floor with their food and chat. I ended up buying a 2nd couch which only solved part of the problem.

After my sister died, I truly doubt anyone in my family, cares about Christmas meal failures or get-together in general. We're probably just glad the other peron is alive. By now, it's over 20 people over at the big family meal.

So for first time, my parents are not hosting family Christmas Eve meal. Will be a sister of mine where everyone else will pack in..including dear departed sister's 2 adult children and their respective boyfriend, girlfriend.

I'll be with dearie here for Christmas...3,000 kms. away. We will cook a home dinner as usual with a menu that we will cobble together several days in advance. Christams will be far away from my birth family it has been for past 8 yrs.

Just before Christmas, we are going snowshoeing in the mountains for the day.

So I started stashing away soy egg nog that I just bought from the store.

Just after the New Year we will go for a weekend in Banff / Lake Louise area. Haven't figured what..perhaps more snowshoeing.

Eagle, I think of my sister every day but it varies in time length and depends on what I'm doing on whether or not, the activity allows my mind to wander abit and think of the past.

I am not certain, but if my father's cancer gets really bad next Christmas, then I may change course and consider Christmas in Toronto with big family gathering. We'll see..normally I fly out to see family members when it's not snowy and icy season.

It's so odd, Eagle you cannot see your grandchildren for Christmas.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Holiday nerves - 12/30/10 09:29 AM

I cook a turkey dinner every Christmas Eve for my brother, his
wife, her brother and her son, and it makes me a nervous wreck.
They always rave about how good it was, but I'm NOT sure if they really mean that or are just being polite. But I try. And I guess that is all anyone can ask. My SIL refuses to cook nowadays,
and nephew and her brother aren't married. Again, to answer your original question: Yes. I get nervous. I don't look forward to
it. And can't wait for it to be over. That sort of screws up
Christmas. I know this is contrary to the poem about visitors;
but that was just for rhyming purposes.

I like the people just don't like the cooking.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Holiday nerves - 01/06/11 10:33 PM

Orchid your family sounds delightful, noise and chatter was always a part of holidays at my grandparents home where we all gathered and it was wonderful

Jabber, I bet your dinners are truly good and bless your heart for the hospitality and love shown to those who might not have
any if not for your kindness.

Edelweiss how was it being the guest for a change for dinner?

Anne and Eagle beingf alone is never fun on holidays but I have found that much of ones life is what they do with it, like when given lemons, make lemonade.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Holiday nerves - 01/07/11 09:19 AM

I like that phrase: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
You're a sweetie, sweetie!