anybody cook with a pressure cooker?

Posted by: CrosstitchQueen

anybody cook with a pressure cooker? - 08/31/10 09:39 AM

I don't have a pressure cooker but have been reading more and more about how they can be used to cook -- and speed up the cooking time -- of all kinds of things. Thinking about buying one. Anybody here use one, any recommendations, any thoughts? I remember my mom using one when I was a kid but that one is long gone and from what I've read the new ones are a big improvement over the old ones.

Posted by: Cookie

Re: anybody cook with a pressure cooker? - 08/31/10 01:36 PM

I have used a pressure cooker for decades for canning different types of foods. But I have not used one for general cooking. I can remember my grandmother using pressure cookers. I think she had about 3 sizes of them. I remember her cooking a chicken or a roast in them to speed up the cooking time. I don't hear of too many people using pressure cookers anymore because they seem to be scared of them.....afraid they will blow up or something.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: anybody cook with a pressure cooker? - 08/31/10 10:26 PM

I've never used one, but Mom cooked with one on occasion. I recall the steam coming out of the top when she removed the little piece that screwed in the lid. Does that make sense?
Posted by: Edelweiss2

Re: anybody cook with a pressure cooker? - 09/01/10 03:55 AM

We have one and love it!!!! Meat is jucier, potatoes are finished within minutes, and aren't dried out. Vegatables keep their vitamins, aren't cooked out. We use ours almost every day. And yes we have a microwave too, but use that only to warm food up.
Posted by: CrosstitchQueen

Re: anybody cook with a pressure cooker? - 09/01/10 08:21 AM

Yes Dots that make sense. I remember my mom cooking with one too.There was a valve at the top that released steam.

One of my magazines (Cooking Light) had a big article about them in this month's issue, and I've been thinking about buying one for a while.............

I posted the same question on my Facebook page and got several responses. It seems that people either don't know how to use one, or they use it and love it. Hmmmm might be time to head to my local Bed Bath & Beyond with my 20% off coupon and look at them............I need to check out the different types and all. I looked online, but I just can't tell much unless I can really see it, you know??
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: anybody cook with a pressure cooker? - 09/01/10 08:37 AM

EW, we steam our veggies. What's the difference? Anyone know?

CQ, I love the comment about the coupon. I stockpile them and then when I go in, I use several if needed. Funny thing is that when I took my oldest son there to shop for college, he laughed at my coupons. Then a few years later, when he bought his house and we went shopping, I took my coupons and he was appreciative. Funny how that changes when the money is coming out of their wallets.

Did you know they take expired coupons?

Let me know if you get one. I'd love to hear how it compares to steaming.
Posted by: CrosstitchQueen

Re: anybody cook with a pressure cooker? - 09/01/10 01:51 PM

Dotise I'm glad you asked about the steamed veggies because we steam our's too and I was also wondering if there's a difference.
My CQ could almost stand for Coupon Queen because I am a BIG coupon shopper. Yes, I knew Bed, Bath, & Beyond takes them even if they've expired, but glad to see you post it here as others probably don't know that.
Also, for those of you who shop at Publix -- they take competitor's coupons. So does Target.
Back to pressure cookers -- Presto (the brand my mom had so many years ago!) has an article online about how to determine which pressure cooker is the best one for you to buy (what size and other determining factors) -- I only glanced at it this morning (was running late for the gym as usual) and am about to go read it now. From what I saw it wasn't even pushing their brand, just general info. I'll post if I end up buying one.
Posted by: CrosstitchQueen

Re: anybody cook with a pressure cooker? - 09/04/10 08:42 AM

To continue the pressure cooker saga. Ok I got lots of positive responses from friends so decided to buy one. Researched online, like I said above. Made a list of the features I was looking for. Went to a couple of stores, found one I was going to buy, but decided to take a really good look at the instruction/recipe book that came with it. And noticed that it said NOT RECOMMENDED FOR USE ON FLAT GLASS/CERAMIC COOKTOP BURNERS. Well, guess what we have. Flat, glass, cooktop burners on our stove. Something about the pressure cookers have concave bottoms and they will not heat properly and won't work well on these type of burners. I am BUMMED as I was all set on learning how to cook with a pressure cooker.
Checked a couple of other models and they all said the same thing. DARN!!! Guess I'm glad I read the book before buying it!!
Posted by: Edelweiss2

Re: anybody cook with a pressure cooker? - 09/04/10 08:54 AM

We have a ceramic cooktop, and never had any problems with our pressure cooker.
Posted by: CrosstitchQueen

Re: anybody cook with a pressure cooker? - 09/04/10 07:55 PM

I did some more checking online and most people said they've never had a problem using a pressure cooker on ceramic cooktops so I decided to go ahead and get one. Will test it out next week with a beef roast. Will let you know how it goes!
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: anybody cook with a pressure cooker? - 09/10/10 06:15 PM

I have a pressure cooker but have mainly used it for canning -- which I haven't done for at least a decade.

But here's Alton Brown's recipe for Pressure Cooker Chili -- Alton Brown's Pressure Cooker Chili

It appears Alton (of Food Network fame)has quite a bit of pressure cooker experience.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: anybody cook with a pressure cooker? - 09/15/10 09:44 AM

I have a pressure cooker that we use fairly often-weekly, because I use it to cook dry beans.

Beans is a must at our home and we use them regularly. I never buy canned beans so I use my pressure ccoker often. It saves time and gas.
Posted by: jabber

Re: anybody cook with a pressure cooker? - 10/07/10 10:05 AM

I love bean soup. In fact, I love baked beans. But I used
Grandma Browns and doctor 'em up. Good stuff!
Posted by: judym

Re: anybody cook with a pressure cooker? - 10/29/10 04:15 PM

I have a very old (30plusyrs) pressure cooker that is still very functional (but always alarms me while cooking, keep waiting for her to blow!). There is an electric one out there now that is the bomb! No worries at all with this one, though I am to cheap to buy a new one. Pressure cookers are a very good tool, and I am glad to see them come to the fore once again like in the 70's. gotta say, though- I prefer the low and slow cooking.. crock pot to the rescue there! There isn't much you cant cook in a crock pot. The pressure cooker is good for the time crunch and a very useful tool. It saves a lot of energy (elect.,gas) for sure. One hazzard- if you have a smooth cooktop made of glass(the newer ranges) this is something to have to consider. My range of this sort won't even do the dutch oven for a long and slow without making some mess on the surface...I havent' truly tried my old faithful PC on there-but will do so soon cause my curious mind wants to know. A pot roast is great in a PC, and you can do a whole chicken. You gotta dig for the recipes, though, cause the PC has fallen away from favor. The oldies are the goodies for sure.