
Posted by: Dotsie

Hanging - 01/12/03 06:15 PM

This sounds a little weird but I will tell you anyway because I think it is something that can help lots of women.

I tend to carry tension in my shoulders and I have found a very simple remedy for getting rid of the tight feeling around my neck.

All you have to do is hang from something that is taller than you. Simply hold on with all your might because you will be holding all of your body weight with your hands(like we could do for hours from the monkey bars when we were little). This stretches everything in your shoulders and makes you feel so much better! Do it several times for as long as you are able. When you are finished it seems as though you have been massaged for hours. All the tension is gone and your shoulders feel SO much better!

I remember when my mom was dying and my brother, sisters, sister-in-law, Dad, and I were all hunkering down during the last few days of Mom's life. I HAD to go and HANG out. My sisters were making fun of me and thought I had lost my mind. They didn't know what I was talking about. Anyway, I was able to hang from my parents deck and it brought such relief!

Try it and let me know what you think!
Posted by: Candice Johnson

Re: Hanging - 01/12/03 09:43 PM

It is actually good for everyone to know where they carry their tension. I am a firm believer that the mental contributes to the physical. I am a carry of tension in the lower back and stomach muscles, so twisting my torso from side to side whilein a chair actually works for me. I don't how people can figure this out other than checking into their body (which no hardly anyone does) or to talk to a message or physical therapist of some sort.