Wrapping gifts on the floor!

Posted by: Dotsie

Wrapping gifts on the floor! - 12/19/02 08:10 PM

The ever-changing body...something has happened between last Christmas and now! I can no longer sit on the floor and wrap gifts without feeling like an old lady. How can one year make such a difference? Oh...my aching back!
The whiner
Posted by: Kathryn

Re: Wrapping gifts on the floor! - 12/20/02 11:02 AM

I've moved wrapping from the floor of my bedroom to the bed.....unfortunately, my bedspread got in the way of the scissors and the result, well you can imagine. That's okay, I wanted a new spread anyway! But even on the bed, after about 30 minutes I'm groaning and aching too! Old is Hell!
Posted by: nillawafer

Re: Wrapping gifts on the floor! - 12/20/02 04:00 PM

wrapping gifts? isn't that what we have husbands for? either my husband is a mutant or i am damn lucky! the only gifts i ever have to wrap are his and i have that done by my kids because that is what they are for isn't it?...lol
Posted by: Micki

Re: Wrapping gifts on the floor! - 12/21/02 12:27 PM

THIS is why God invented BAGS!!!! I put whatever the gift is in a decorative bag, add some "fluff" (tissue paper) and attach a card or gift tag!! (And before it was EVER "PC", my grandfather wrapped stuff in newspaper or big plastic garbage bags with cut-out comic strip characters on them....Gads, why didn't he patent that odea--we'd be zillionaires!!!)