Walking my way to sanity

Posted by: Kathryn

Walking my way to sanity - 01/15/03 04:43 PM

A few months ago, I noticed that I was having frequent chest pains, loss of apetite and some pretty severe anxiety attacks. When I finally went to my doctor, he told me that I had acid reflux which had caused my esophagus to become ulcerated. (there's a name for the condition but it escapes me). Apparently the anxiety attacks were contributing to the acid reflux problem. Oh, my cholesterol was way high too! So now I'm taking two meds to control both anxiety and reflux. But my doctor urged me to get real exercise. So I started power walking, and pre-puppy got up to 4 miles in 35 minutes about 5 times a week. I've lost 20 plus pounds, several clothing sizes and my cholesterol has dropped dramatically. Best, because I'm walking while losing I'm not dealing with too much of the saggy skin syndrone I've experienced before. Most significantly though, I find that after a serious walk, my head feels better....the internal chaos and screaming subside and I am able to function like a civilized human being. So get good shoes
and start with a short, quick walk, preferably near pretty trees and with some hills to challenge you. You'll be amazed!
Posted by: nillawafer

Re: Walking my way to sanity - 01/15/03 06:52 PM

i think the term is g.i.r.d. that you are looking for and i have it too. i take prilosec for it. i also have an anxiety thing going on along with a mood disorder thing and a depression thing going on ....ummmm lets see what other pills are in my easter basket today?!?!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Walking my way to sanity - 01/18/03 05:59 PM

Not only are you walking your way to sanity, you have also walked your way to better health. Which comes first, the sanity or the health? They are soooo related.

I am also a walker, 3-4 miles a day about 5 times a week and I wouldn't trade it for the world! Keep on truckin'.
Posted by: Kathryn

Re: Walking my way to sanity - 01/21/03 05:02 PM

An update to my walking post....Dr. called yesterday with my most recent cholesteral test results. My overall cholesteral is down 34 points, my good cholesteral is up 30 and my wicked, evil bad, bad, cholesteral is down 30. I haven't lost the pounds I want, but am definitely more healthy. It has to be the walking!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Walking my way to sanity - 01/21/03 05:32 PM

You go girl! Happy to hear your good news! Walking is good for the mind, body, and soul.
Posted by: nillawafer

Re: Walking my way to sanity - 01/22/03 10:09 PM

kathryn..that is awesome news!!! you go girl... you go girl..