alternative medicine

Posted by: Dotsie

alternative medicine - 08/17/06 06:25 PM

Do any of you have medical doctors who recommend alternative medicines? I'd love to see MDs have more faith in approaches other than getting out the old RX pad.
Posted by: Cookie

Re: alternative medicine - 08/17/06 06:45 PM

Dostie, My doc does. When I was looking for a new doctor, I always ask what their thoughts are on alternative medicine. If they poo-poo the whole idea, I move on because they are closed minded. I have studied, or I should say I have been reading alot about altenative medicine for nearly 20 years. I'm a big believer in that. Not that 'all" perscription drugs are bad, but just too many "new" drugs out there these days with bad side effects.
Posted by: Lola

Re: alternative medicine - 08/17/06 06:47 PM

Hi, Dotsie: My OB-Gyne agreed and recommended diet rather than HRT after hyster. The latter was discussed only out of protocol. Other alternatives to fish oil capsules was a handful of walnuts a day which would suffice for the daily requirement. I am not too keen on nuts so I still down my capsules. Acupuncture for pain relief. Buteyko for hyperventilation and asthma.
Posted by: Lola

Re: alternative medicine - 08/17/06 06:49 PM

Oh, and arnica for minimal bruising prior to surgery, pineapple juice for internal healing.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: alternative medicine - 08/17/06 10:15 PM

We have such a shortage of family doctors here, that if you do have one, you're lucky to get an appointment within 2 weeks, much less anything out of the basic necessities. We don't have the luxury of being able to find another doctor because there just aren't any other doctors to be found in most places right now.

So I have to do all my own research. I read, browse the Internet, listen to what has worked for other women here - and then I either try things out myself or take my research to my doctor and see what she thinks. She's open to alternatives, but just doesn't have the time to do all the specific research. I don't mind, especially since she's open to discussing what I've researched.

But lately I've been so healthy that I don't have to take anything at all anymore, except echineacea once in awhile when I feel a sniffle or sore throat - 2-3 days of echineacea and a positive attitude have been all I've needed to ward anything off for almost a year now.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: alternative medicine - 08/17/06 11:20 PM

BRAVO for you Eagle and I too believe whole heartedly in alternative medicine. I have studied it and wrote articles as well for many years now and it works no matter who poo-poo's it. I take many supplements and vitamins and always have since age 20 and look how easily I breezed through menopause with 'no' symptoms what-so-ever and I still think taking Wild Yam Root along with Evening Primrose and other natural herbs were the reason.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: alternative medicine - 08/18/06 07:49 AM

I have had only positive results from alternative medicine. The only reason I ever go to a "regular" doctor is if I should need an operation; like my gallbladder removed. Got to admit, though, they know their business when it means removing something.
Do you have a link to your articles, Chatty lady? That would be interesting to read.
Posted by: browser57

Re: alternative medicine - 08/18/06 05:27 PM

I Love my MD. She is a GP, but has helped me thru everything from carpal tunnel (without surgery) to menopause (now bioidentical HRT). She broke away from the group of doctors that formed her practice about 7 years ago, when she wanted to include more alternative medicine and they did not.

She encourages deep muscle message, magnent therapy, bioidentical hrt. She worked with me to lower my cholesterol 91 points - by using supplements and diet. It took eight months of hard work, but she never pressured me to take perscription medication.

Yet, she is a traditonally trained MD. A rare breed to be sure. I'm fortunate to have her taking care of me through the turbulence of aging.