Joyce Meyer?

Posted by: Countrygirl

Joyce Meyer? - 10/17/07 03:46 PM

I just wondered what you ladies thought about Joyce Meyer? I have a couple of her books which have been very helpful to me and I sometimes watch her online.

I have mixed feelings...sometimes I think "yeah! you're so right Joyce!" and other times I think "Boy! What a big-head!" Also, I've read some fairly sobering reports about her flashy lifestyle, etc.

So...what do you think?
Posted by: jabber

Love her...Re: Joyce Meyer? - 10/21/07 09:25 AM

Joyce Meyer has been through the mill of life. Her positive thinking attitude is on par with the late, Norman Vincent Peale. Positive thinking works! It's important! Why should she not enjoy what the Lord has given her? She works hard.
And I believe, she really, really loves people.
Posted by: Countrygirl

Re: Joyce Meyer? - 10/21/07 09:39 AM

Yes bonnierose, she has been through a LOT. As I said, I have a couple of her books. Please don't think I was putting her down...I am genuinely interested in what people think. She has been accused of an overly indulgent lifestyle and I wondered if that was true or not.
Posted by: jabber

Accusations...? - 10/22/07 01:53 PM

Joel Osteen was recently accused of distorted, Biblical teachings. People get jealous of other people's successes.
If they can't find an area to critize, they invent something. When a person remodels their home 11 times in 14 years, I'd consider that excessive. This example is from another ministry. But Joyce and her family knock themselves out with missions and international work. If they enjoy some of God's blessings, it doesn't seem like that should put a cloud over their efforts: IMO!
Ciao for now
Posted by: jabber

Where R the Christian TV fans...? - 10/25/07 03:45 PM

I'm waiting to hear from other Joel and Joyce fans. Anybody watch Charles Stanley? He's cool. I used to tune in Joyce Meyers everyday; but they changed my cable around and I don't see her as often. I watch Joel Osteen most every Sunday night. He lifts my spirit!!!
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Where R the Christian TV fans...? - 10/26/07 07:22 AM

I have to admit that I rarely see good 'ol Charles these days but I've always loved him. He shares everything in an everyday way...things we can use immediately in this life. I always appreciated that. Same with Joyce Meyers.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Where R the Christian TV fans...? - 10/26/07 08:06 AM

I think the reason Joyce is picked on is that she makes for good news, (people love her, I like her too!) and because in some society circles of religion, it is considered UNchristian to have wealth. I think that is ridiculous. Who can help the poor in more ways, a rich man or a poor man?

The Bible doesn't say that money is the root of all says THE LOVE of money.

I think anyone who earns their money should be able to spend that money any way they choose to spend it, as long as they spend it on me....whatttt?
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Where R the Christian TV fans...? - 10/29/07 09:22 AM

Joyce was just in PA last Friday night. I was invited to see her with a dear friend, but too much was going on to make the trip.

I'll ask my friend her thougths on this because she is the big Joyce fan. She's seen her in person before also.
Posted by: jabber

Sweet Charles... - 10/30/07 09:19 AM

Rev. Charles Stanley is a sweet, sweet man. I love listening to his sermons. I even like to read his books.
He reminds me of my dad. And how I loved my dad.
Posted by: jabber

Upbeat sermons...Re: Sweet Charles... - 10/31/07 09:10 AM

Joyce, Joel and Dr. Stanley generally give upbeat sermons;
you feel better when they're done speaking. I think we've all been in church, when we've come out feeling worse than when we went in. Who needs it? I like preaching that lifts my spirit! These folks' do that!