
Posted by: jabber

Billboards - 03/25/14 06:53 PM

Two billboards caught my attention.

1) BIBLE: Best Instructions Before Leaving Earth!

2) America can use a new FAITH lift!

They're like church marquees; some stay with you, some don't.
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: Billboards - 03/28/14 07:58 PM

Those are some interesting billboards, Jabber. I don't know if they're local, but I haven't seen them anywhere. Thanks for sharing their messages. Glad to know that faith-based entities are thinking of this sort of marketing.

Meanwhile, if you like eyecatching billboards here are 15 I found in a marketing article today.

None are for a faith-based product or entity but they ARE pretty darn clever. (Some of them, you'll have to read the text to find out how they're actually interactive.)

Posted by: jabber

Re: Billboards - 04/03/14 09:09 AM

The billboards I saw were somewhere down South, on our way up North. I think they might've been in Georgia. The ones you posted, Anne, are cute and creative. Enjoyed reading them.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Billboards - 04/09/14 06:50 PM

Anyone seen an cool church signs lately?